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    (SALUTA, 2022-06-01) Aneth Barría; Orilka Camaño; Rita Sánchez
    EFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON THE HEALTH SERVICES IN LATIN AMERICA ABSTRACT The objective of this trial was to carry out a documentary investigation regarding the effects of COVID-19 in the health services of some Latin American countries. It is a descriptive theoretical documentary research, based on an exhaustive search for original scientific articles, with topics related to COVID-19 and the health services of Latin American countries, including Panama, published between March 2020 and May 2021, in Spanish and English, indexed in different databases such as Pub Med, Google Academic, bvs, Scielo; Descriptors of health science (DeCS) and “effect” “COVID-19”, “health services”, “primary care” from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) were used as: “effect”, “COVID-19”, “Health System” “primary care”. The Boolean operators used were intersection (AND) and (OR). In addition, the Zotero manager was used. The response of the health systems of the 18 Latin American countries studied in relation to the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic are public health measures, early detection of suspected cases, in relation to primary care in 2020, there is a reduction in coverage of obstetric care services in Latin American countries where 8 (44%) canceled care and 7 (39%) kept it, in prenatal care 10 (56%) complied and 6 (33%) canceled care; however, in the preventive care of children, 12 (67%) complied with the care. It is essential to strengthen the strategy of primary health care, with a family and community approach, organized to achieve universal access to health, in addition tostimulating preventive and educational programs. Keywords: COVID-19, health services, primary care and Latin American countries